The next generation learning and family game
Five different ways of playing the game offer exciting new challenges; both alone and in a group. Friends of tricky brain-teasers can compete on unlimited game tasks with the highest demands. Simple game rules.
HERE you can download the rules of the game PDF.
Number of players: 1+ | Age: 4+ | Playing time: Unlimited
GOAL: Build a Fritzo Beginner with 27 cubes. Each of the outer sides of the cube should be made out of only one color. Six different colors have to be visible.
GETTING READY TO PLAY: All cubes are laid out on the table.
PLAYING THE GAME: When placing the cubes, the following must be observed:
- At each turn only DIFFERENT color symbols should be matching in EVERY DIRECTION.
- The cubes have to touch each other on at least one side.
- Each cube is unique, there are no two identical cubes with the same color arrangement in the game.
Note on the difficulty level: Fritzo Beginner is the entry level version, other challenges are offered by the game tasks Fritzo Challenge and Fritzo Professional.

Besides the Fritzo Beginner Cube, several other motifs can be built. One can start with 4 cubes already, then the number of cubes can be gradually increased. All of the outer surfaces of the cubes have to be monochromatic, but the upper side and the other visible sides can have different colors. If the player succeeds in building his own motifs, a picture can be taken of it. By setting a time limit contests can be carried out, in which the matter is which player is the fastest to rebuild a previously defined motif.
Number of players: 1+ | Age: 4+ | Playing time: Unlimited
GOAL: By placing individual cubes, motifs with different degrees of difficulty can be formed. One can start with 4 cubes already, afterwards the number of cubes can be increased gradually. For example, motifs with 8, 12, 16, 20 or 24 cubes can be built. Build a Fritzo Challenge or a Fritzo Professional.
There are three motif categories:
- The visible outer surfaces of the motifs can be arbitrarily different in color.
- The top is monochrome, the other visible sides can have different colors.
- The top and the other visible sides are monochrome . However, each visible side can have a different color.
GETTING READY TO PLAY: All cubes are laid out on the table.
PLAYING THE GAME: When placing the cubes, the following must be observed:
- At each turn only THE SAME color symbols should be matching in EvERy DIRECTION.
- The cubes have to touch each other on at least one side.
- Each cube is unique, there are no two identical cubes with the same color arrangement in the game.
FRITZO CHALLENGE: The construction of a Fritzo Challenge is easier than that of a Fritzo Professional. The outer six visible cube sides can show cubes in any color.
FRITZO PROFESSIONAL: The masterpiece. The outer six visible cube sides are monochrome. There must be six different colors visible.
HINTS: Motifs with random colors on the visible outer surfaces are easier to build than motifs with monochrome visible outer surfaces. However, the top and side surfaces may have a different color. If the player succeeds in building a motif, a picture can be taken of it. The player can later try to recreate the motif, or set it as a challenge to other players. Besides motifs, towers can also be built. The goal: a tower as high as possible, where one outer visible surface is uniformly mo- nochromatic. The tower building game is also suitable for contests with other players, in which the matter is which player manages to build the highest tower in the shortest time.
Number of players: 2 to 4 | Age: 8+ | Playing time: 20 to 45 minutes
GOAL: The players build one big cube. There are three different challenges to choose from: Fritzo Beginner, Fritzo Challenge und Fritzo Professional.
GETTING READY TO PLAY: The players agree with each other on one of the game targets. The opponent is „the Cube“. The cubes are laid out on the table. All 27 cubes form a common stock together.
STARTING THE GAME: The youngest player in the team places the first cube. After that the other players take turns clockwise and can respectively place one cube at a time.
PLAYING THE GAME: FRITZO BEGINNER: When placing the cubes, the following must be observed:
- At each turn only DIFFERENT color symbols should be matching in EVERY DIRECTION.
- The cubes have to touch each other on at least one side.
- Each cube is unique, there are no two identical cubes with the same color arrangement in the game.
- During a player’s turn, he takes the first cube he gets into his hand from the common stock and tries to lay it out on the common large cube.
- If a player can not place his cube on the common large cube, he must return it to the stock and the next player has his turn.
- At each turn only THE SAME color symbols should be matching in EVERY DIRECTION.
- The cubes have to touch each other on at least one side.
- Each cube is unique, there are no two identical cubes with the same color arrangement in the game.
- During a player’s turn, he takes the first cube he gets into his hand from the common stock and tries to lay it out on the common large cube.
- If a player can not place his cube on the common large cube, he must return it to the stock and the next player has his turn.
END OF THE GAME: The game ends when the team has managed to build one of the three big cubes. Winner of the game is the team as a whole. If it happens that no player can place any more cubes, even though there are still cubes in the stock, the game is over. In this case, „the Cube“ is the winner of the game.
HINT: The players should try out the Fritzo Beginner Cube first and after some rounds of the game go for the higher difficulty levels.
Number of players: 2 | Age: 8+ | Playing time: 10 minutes+
GOAL: The players, each with their three scoring cube colors, build the base level of a cube made out of nine cubes. (Level one)
GETTING READY TO PLAY: All 27 cubes are laid out on the table. The six cube colors are divided among the players, each player receives his own three scoring cube colors. After that the players agree on the duration of the game. The player who first rolls the color blue receives 14 cubes, the other player 13 cubes.
STARTING THE GAME: Both players start to build their respective cube base level at the same time.
PLAYING THE GAME: Both players try to get as many points as possible with their cubes by forming rows of three in all directions. When placing the cubes, the following must be observed:
- At each turn only THE SAME color symbols should be matching in EVERY DIRECTION.
- The cubes have to touch each other on at least one side.
- Each cube is unique, there are no two identical cubes with the same color arrangement in the game.
- Rows of three cubes can be formed on any side of the structure being built (up, down and four sides).
- Each player tries to build rows of three in every direction with his three different colors os cubes.
- If a player lays out rows of three in the opponent’s colors, these points are credited to the opposing player.
- Players are free to change and replace individual cubes during the settled play time as much as they like.
- All 9 cubes have to be laid out. Gaps in the cube level result in minus points.
SCORING: The scoring takes place at the end of the game. Rows of three cubes on every side of the structure (up, down and four sides) are evaluated.
- Rows of three cubes in different colors: 3 points
- Rows of three cubes in the same color: 4 points
- One gap counts one minus point, two gaps two minus points, and so on.
- If a player lays out rows of three in the opponent’s colors, these points are credited to the opposing player.
Important Note: NEW rows of three cubes containing the NEW added cube are respectively evaluated.
END OF THE GAME: The game ends when both players formed a cube base level (level one) each or when the agreed play time is up. The player with the highest score wins. If the score is even, the player who finished his game first wins.
HINT: If several rounds are played, the players can exchange their cubes and/or cube colors. The winner of a round starts the next one with 14 cubes.
Number of players: 2 | Age: 12+ | Playing time: 20 to 30 minutes
GOAL: The players build triangles, rows of three cubes and “stairs” with their three scoring cube colors.
GETTING READY TO PLAY: The six cube colors are divided among the players, each player receives his own three scoring cube colors. For recording the scores, each player takes a pen and paper. 26 cubes remain in the package, only one cube is taken out of it.
STARTING THE GAME: The remaining cube, which does not come into play, decides which one of the players will go first. The player who first rolls the opponent’s color begins.
PLAYING THE GAME: The first player begins by blindly taking out one cube of the box. All other cubes should also be drawn blindly by the players. The players place one cube at a time alternately.
When placing the cubes, the following must be observed:
- The cubes have to touch each other on at least one side.
- At each turn only THE SAME color symbols should be matching in EVERY DIRECTION.
- Only 3 cubes can be stacked vertically and only 5 cubes laid out in length and width respectively.
- During the course of the game, the players are not allowed to change any previously placed cubes or to exchange them with other cubes.
- Each cube is unique, there are no two identical cubes with the same color arrangement in the game.
- If a player lays out rows of three, stairs or triangles in the opponent’s colors, the opponent is immediately credited with those points.
- Both player have 13 cubes each to lay out.
- Each player has a JOKER of his choice: once during the game, a cube can be laid out WITHOUT having to match the same colors.
- Players can only place cubes on the third vertical level if points can be scored immediately.
- Earned points are immediately noted by the players.
Points can be scored with the following formations of the three own cube colors:
- In the same color: Rows of three cubes - vertically, horizontally and diagonally. Stairs - vertically and horizontally. Triangles - vertically and horizontally.
- In three different colors: Rows of three cubes - vertically, horizontally and diagonally. Stairs - vertically and horizontally.
- SUPER FRITZO: With one turn, score seven or more points.
SCORING: All visible cube sides are evaluated, but not the bottom side or arrangements around the cube corners.
Important Note: NEW rows of three, stairs or triangles containing the NEW added cube are respectively evaluated.
Same color:
- Row of three cubes in all directions = 4 Points
- „Stairs“ = 4 Points
- Triangle = 2 Points
- Row of three cubes in all directions = 3 Points
- „Stairs“ = 3 Points
- SUPER FRlTZO: If a player suceeds in scoring 7 and more points in one turn, that player calls out „Fritzo“ and is instantly the winner of the game.
- If a player couldn’t lay out a cube, he gets one minus point for every cube he still has in his stock.
- If a player lays out rows of three, stairs or triangles in the opponent’s colors, the opponent is immediately credited with those points.
END OF THE GAME: The game ends when both players laid out their last cube or when one player manages to carry out the Super Fritzo. Winner is the player with the highest score. If the score is even, the player who made the last move wins.
HINT: If several rounds are played, the players can exchange their cube colors. Due to the different distribution of the colors on the cubes one can hinder the opponent’s game, but also open up new possibilities which he would not have on his own. In order to keep track of the game at all times, it is recommended to use a piece of paper as a game board. By rotating the paper one can look at the game from all sides.
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